
Healthy recipe aneb nejlepší zdravý recept ve třídě 2F

Protože již asi od 7. října jsme nuceni vyučovat a vzdělávat se jen distančně, tak hledáme a zkoušíme různé metody a úkoly, které by žáky aktivizovaly. Aby je zaujaly, zabavily a všelijak interaktivně motivovaly. Jeden takový, v rámci probíraného tématu Healthy lifestyle, se nedávno jmenoval „Healthy recipe“. 

Zadání znělo:

You have to create one big page (A4) with "A healthy recipe". You can be inspired by Google, seznam, your family and so on but do not copy it completely word by word, please. Try to arrange something easy to be prepared either timewise your not too difficult as for ingredients. Use one or max 2 pics. Do not forget to mention why you are choosing it and why you do think it is healthy and why do you recommend it. Okay, is it clear?

No a pak už celá skupina hlasovala, o nejlepší recept a nesměl se volit svůj vlastní.

Prozatímními vítězkami ve skupině 2F/1 se staly:

Imelda Ibendji




-          12 very thin slices of raw ham

-          250g of button mushrooms

-          2 bay leaves

-          100g of grated emmental

-          40 g of butter

-          1kg of potatoes

-          2 cloves of garlic

-          50cl of milk

-          salt 

-          pepper 




-          Preheat oven

-           Peel the potatoes  and cut into rings and clean the mushrooms

-           Put the milk and the fresh cream in a pot on the fire and add salt, pepper,peeled garlic and cover for a few minutes and remove 

-          Take a gratin dish, buttered it,then add layers of potatoes. lazers of emmental, mushrooms and finish with the cheese 

-          Add the milk without the garlic or bay leaf, and bake for 1 hour and then add the ham on the surface and cook for another 15 min.

 Personal opinion

I don't know if that is very good for your health, but I would say yes a little, because of the mushrooms and potatoes too, the milk…

And I choose this, because it's my favorite. My big sister makes gratin very often when I go to Paris and it's very delicious, I like it.


a Klaudie Kamenická


I think it’s healthy because beef is healthy and is not fried like almost everything in today’s world.

I chose tacos because it’s one of my favorite foods.

I just cooked it on Friday.

All I needed is beef, tacos spices, tortillas, tomatoes, onions, salad, sour cream, cheddar cheese.

I marinated meat and then baked it, made salad from tomatoes and onion.

Heated up the tortillas and then I filled them with meat salad, sour cream and sprinkle cheddar on it.

And that’s all.

A hlavní vítězkou se stala Amálie Šteflová se Smoothie bowl:


  • We add some frozen berries (strawberries, blueberries,..) and frozen bananas to a blend at a low speed
  • You can add some chocolate pieces, some nuts, protein, chia seeds and more
  • I always  add vanilla protein and some non-dairy milk.
  • Blend it more under a lower speed.
  • Scraping down the sides until we have soft serve.
  • We put it in a bowl.
  • Toppings – on top of this bowl we can put almost everything
  • I always put some  pieces of fruits, chia seeds, some kinder chocolate and thats all.
  • This is my favourite type of smoothie bowl.
  • There is so much ways how to do it.


Nechte se inspirovat a bon appetit!

 Petr Vlasák, učitel Aj


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